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What to Expect

Here are a few things you can expect when you attend a typical service at River of Life:

COVID CHANGES Due to COVID-19, we have implemented many changes to our services, including the following.  These changes are meant to ensure the health and safety of everyone who attends our services.


- Wearing of masks in strongly encouraged.  If you are unable to wear a mask, you are still welcome to attend.  Again, our goal is to be as safe as possible for everyone, not to make a political statement.  

- Seating has been arranged to keep individuals and families at a safe distance.  

- CHILDREN'S CHURCH AND NURSERY ARE AVAILABLE!  Parents may want their children to stay in the main service with them, and that is OK as well.  We have individual sanitized "fun bins" for each child, appropriate for their age level.  We fully realize kids will likely not remain completely quiet during service, AND THAT IS PERFECTLY OK!

Preaching:  The message each Sunday is always very practical and relatable to your everyday life.  Nothing flashy, just a message straight out of the Bible, challenging you to be the person God has called you to be.  There will also be a time to respond to the message, as we believe in not just hearing the Word, but being changed by it!

Prayer We believe in not just hearing the Bible taught, but also in responding to it.  During our services, there is typically a time (or two) where people can receive prayer.  Do you have a need (physical, financial, relational, etc) in your life?  There will be a time where you can have someone pray for those needs in our services.  God answers prayer!

Worship You will hear modern, contemporary music in our services.  We believe in expressing ourselves to God in our worship, so you will likely see people lifting their hands, clapping, and maybe even kneeling.  But these are all responses to God found in the Bible.  People get excited about many things in life...we get excited about Jesus, and it shows!

Outreach:  This isn't something to experience in a service, but it is just as important.  Our church exists to share the life and love of God to this world.  The Bible calls us God's "ambassadors" ...our lives are supposed to make a difference!  So whether it is through an organized outreach, or just encouraging each of us to help make a difference in the lives of those around us everyday, our goal is to "Love God, and love others" together!

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